
Do You Have Anxiety? Learn About Treating Panic Disorder in Los Angeles with Mayra Diaz, LMFT

Mayra Diaz, LMFT, stops by the “No Supervision Podcast” to discuss Panic Disorder and what clients can expect if they choose to get help for their panic. A conversation with the podcast host and psychiatrist, Dr. Thomas Hughes of seen.psychiatry and the C.U.B.E. Psych.

Panic attack coping strategies from an anxiety therapist on this podcast episode. Mayra Diaz shares tips on how to deal with anxiety. Watch now for expert guidance.

“The Panic Attack Relief Workbook” On “What Your Therapist is Reading” podcast with Mayra Diaz

Jessica Fowler, LCSW, interviews Mayra Diaz, LMFT from the Anxiety Center of California about her book The Panic Attack Relief Workbook: A 7-Week Plan for Overcoming Fear, Managing Panic, and Finding Calm. During this week’s episode, Mayra shares about panic, where it comes from and what is happening to the body.  When we learn to have compassion and try to understand the panic we can make more progress.  Mayra shares about the importance of learning your triggers and panic cycle.  In addition, the book helps you to develop a personalized plan to overcome panic attacks.  Lastly, the book has journal prompts and activities to build skills for dealing with panic attacks. Listen to the full episode on Spotify or Apple podcasts.

The Panic Attack Relief Workbook: insights from the author and anxiety therapist, Mayra Diaz. She discusses her book and how to manage anxiety in this podcast episode. Listen for practical strategies.

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mayra@anxietycenterca.com (818) 473-0945

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